Finally, after a lot of weeks of waiting, is arrived (at 22.25) the results of the VCP5 beta exam:
Congratulations! You have passed the new VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 5 (VCP5) certification exam. Thank you for your participation in the beta exam. Your input and participation were invaluable to this process.
We will be adding this certification to your transcript within the next three weeks. You will receive an email notification with additional instructions once your education transcript has been updated. Physical certificates will be sent after your shipping address has been confirmed. Please contact [email protected] if you do not receive your notification. Please include your Candidate ID from your exam score report.
Thank you for participating in the VMware Certified Professional on vSphere 5 (VCP5) beta exam and congratulations once again on becoming one of the first VCP5s!
Also the VUE site report this result:
There isn’t the score (in previous beta exams the score was send), but this is minor problem… the biggest (in my opinion) is the “long” delay and that you get the result after that the exam goes live. Something could be enhanced in the beta exams: