For a list of all objectives see the VCP5 page.
Objective 6.2 – Perform Basic vSphere Network Troubleshooting
Verify network configuration (same as vSphere 4.x)
See VMware Virtual Networking Concepts for basic concepts for standard virtual switches. See Objective 2.2 – Configure vNetwork Distributed Switches for distributed virtual switches.
Verify a given virtual machine is configured with the correct network resources (same as vSphere 4.x)
See VMware KB: Troubleshooting virtual machine network connection issues and
Troubleshoot virtual switch and port group configuration issues (same as vSphere 4.x)
Use previous links. For vmkernel porgroup vmkping can help in network tests (remember to use -d option to test large packets like, for example, Jumbo Frames).
Troubleshoot physical network adapter configuration issues (same as vSphere 4.x)
Remember that each pNIC act as an uplink, so the relative pSwitch port must be configured in the same of others in the same vSwitch. Mix of different NIC adapters is permitted. Mix of different speed could be possible, but can create performance issues. For IP hash team policy a specific configuration is required on the pSwitch. Beacon probing make sense only with at least 3 pNIC.
Identify the root cause of a network issue based on troubleshooting information (similar as vSphere 4.x)
A top-down or bottom-up approach though the network layer could be useful. Also a packet trace in the network could help (see Using a Network Packet Analyzer on a VMware vSphere Virtual Network and VMware KB: Capturing a network trace in ESXi using Tech Support).