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Although is not yet on the official certification page, there was a post in the VMware Community with the official path for VCDX5 upgrade: VMware Certification Announces Upgrade Path from VCDX4 to VCDX5.

Current VCDX4 holders in good standing will be able to upgrade their certification to VCDX5 by successfully passing the VMware Certified Advanced Professional 5- Datacenter Design (VDCD510) exam. The VCAP5-DCD exam release date will be announced in May. Release of the VCAP5-DCD final exam blueprint will occur at that time.

VCDX4-holders in good standing who have completed the VCAP5-DCD Beta Exam and achieved a passing score have satisfied the requirements for VCDX5 and are thus certified.

No info yet about the full path, but probably will be the same of the VCDX4… for this reason will probably be announce only then the VCAP5-DCA beta will be finished (actually has not yet started).
