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On the VMware Certification Portal the new VCDX certifications are now listed, according with the new roadmap and the new paths announced during the last VMworld US.

Those are the official pages:

  • VCDX5-DV (mainly the same as the old VCDX5 page)
  • VCDX5-Cloud (on private cloud, actually mainly on vCloud Director)
  • VCDX5-DT (on End User Computing, actually mainly on View environment)

Actually the second two VCDX pages seems to just an placeholder for future information (and you can subscribe to keep in touch on future news) and the info and the process seems quite similar to the existing VCDX path:

  • Prerequisite on some VCAP certifications (mainly admin and design exam)
  • Application submission
  • Once accepted, you will defend your application before veteran VCDX Panelists

Seems interesting the on the panelist a generic VCDX term is used, so I assume that during the first defenses on new VCDX-Cloud and -DT we can see panelist that are VCDX-DV.

Seems also interesting the note for current VCDX-DV:

There will be a path for current VCDX-DVs to migrate to the VCDX-Cloud program, however details of this have not yet been released. Stay tuned to this page and the VCDX forum for updates.

This path is not clear yet, but seems not so simple as only took the VCAP related design exam. The was a discussion on the forum, but I suppose that other will appear. I’ve hear something unofficial during the last VMworld US, but I prefer to wait something official before say anything.
