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E2EVCE2EVC Virtualization Conference is an independent, non-commercial, virtualisation community event build from experts to experts.

As written in a previous post, next event will take place on November 1-3, 2013  in Rome, for the first time in Italy at the H10 Hotel Roma Città.

Why attend?

For me will the first time that I attend at a E2EVC Virtualization Conference, so I cannot (yet) bring my personal opinion, but from other people seems that it’s absolutly interesting both for the sessions content and the community spirit during the event. For sure it could benefit from the limited number of attendees (compared to event like VMworld) so it could be easy know each others and share experiences.

For other opinion, see (for example) this two posts: Why I’m attending E2E conference in Rome and Event: E2E Virtualisation Conference Rome, November 1-3.


At this event there will be 18 Microsoft MVP’s, 15 Citrix CTP’s and 6 VMware vExperts. Here some of the Twitter handler: @pcrampton, @joe_elway, @shawnbass, @ThomasMaurer, @Andrea_Mauro, @drtritsch, @WorkingHardInIT, @HelgeKlein, @JimMoyle, @neilspellings, @andyjmorgan, @KBaggerman, @CarlWebster, @bsonposh, @gilwood_cs, @E2EVC, @KristianNese, @_POPPELGAARD, @barryschiffer, @RemkoWeijnen, @IngmarVerheij, @WilcovanBragt, @david_obrien, @Microspecialist, @virtualfat, @LFoverskov, @virtuEs_IT, @stibakke, @granttiller, @Easi123, @ChrisJMarks, @arbeijer, @znackattack, @ShaunRitchie_UK, @Rob_Aarts, @StefanKoell, @EHouben, @crachfahl, @JeroenTielen, @plompr, @Gkunst, @drmiru, @espenbe, @marcdrinkwater, @DocsMortar, @AlBayliss, @wedelit, @pzykomAtle, @LoDani, @fborozan, @JeffWouters, @mrpickford, @smspasscode, @schose, @rvanderkruk, @TimmBrochhaus, @HansMinnee, @JZanten, @Sargola, @JaspervanWesten, @airdeca_nl, @danielBuonocore@PeppelT, @TondeVreede, @pcortis, @ConorScolard, @CarstenDreyer, @arnaud_pain, @RoyTextor, @saschazimmer, @abstrask, @loopern, @PulseITch, @joarleithe, clarecoops9, @rfolmer, @wimoortgiesen  and more!


There are 18 countries visiting: Germany, Austria, Swiss, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Sweden, Norway, Jersey, USA, Denmark, Italy, Croatia, Spain, Malta, Israel.

There are 115 people registered so far and from those are (figures are approximate):

  • 28% Dutch
  • 15% German
  • 15% Norwegian
  • 11% UK
  • 10% USA

This is the 20th E2EVC event and it’s also the 10th anniversary!


The event will be at the ‘H10 Hotel Roma Citta. It isn’t in the downtown (Via Pietro Blaserna, 101, 00146 Roma), but there are several and detailed information on the official web site. Other information are also available in the LinkedIn group.

Take Bus 170 from Termini Station to the hotel.  Your Travel on bus 170 will  last for 19 stops until you reach Marconi/Fermi stop. This ticket will cost 1.50 Euro.

More information on public transportation are available on the ATAC web site. The metro map at this link, note that there are only two underground (A and B), other are just trains.


For the Rome’s edition there are 42 sessions and 1 Master Class (on Citrix XenDestop 7), all in 3 days (precisely 12.00 on Friday 1 November to 14.00 on Sunday November 3rd).

The entire agenda is available on the event web site.

About the Master Class Rich Crusco, an ex-Citrie and Microsoft MVP, will deliver this  intensive 4 hour advanced course, to teach you the most important things you need to know about XenDesktop 7. Rich has been doing XD 7 from the beginning, so he has a lot to share.

Visit Rome

You can use the underground to move between the different area. A good stop could be Spagna (on the line A) that is really close to Piazza di Spagna (note that this stop has 3 different exit, one really far… be sure to choose the exit Piazza di Spagna). To visit the Colosseo or the old Romanish area, the stop Colosseo (on the line B) is the right one).

To visit San Pietro and the Vatican, the closest one is Ottaviano (line A), but note that is closest to the museums, the main entrance to the the church is 5-10 min far (just follow the walls). Both have usually a long queue (and going early could be solution, or sometime going to an unusual hour). Church visit is free (except the visit up to the dome or down to the necropolis) and it’s open from 07.00 to 18.30. Vatican Museum are closed on Sunday AND on 1st November (holiday), otherwise are open from 9:00 to 16:00 (entrance hours).

Please note that the same issue could apper to other museum in the city and probably on some shop: you may find close both on 1st Nov and (or) on Sunday.

What visit? It really depending from your time. I suggest at least:

  • San Pietro (but remember that it takes some time for the queues and don’t forget to go up to Dome where you can have an awesome view of Rome)  and Vatican Museeum (this take at least 3 hours or more)
  • Colosseo (easy to reach with the underground)
  • Piazza di Spagna and the stairway to Trinità dei Monti (from here, going on the left you can reach the Pincio and have nice view of Rome)
  • Fontana di Trevi nice both during the day and the night  (the closest underground stop it’s Barberini, but it’s really easy and short walk from Piazza di Spagna, or from Piazza Navona)
  • Pantheon (visit is free and it’s open from 9:00 to 18:00 or 19:30 depending the days) and the entire area close to it (for example Piazza di Pietra)
  • Piazza Navona (better in the evening or in the night)
  • Piazza Campo dei Fiori (with a market in the morning and with a lot of place where drink something in the evening)

Rome is (moderated) large, but the downtown is small and you can see most of places by walk or by choose a right underground station. Except the first two places in the previous list, you can see the rest simple by walking.

Those are some pictures that I’ve took at Rome in previous visits:

If you have time see also:

  • Campidoglio
  • Bocca della Verità (from here you can take the Underground at Circo Massimo)
  • San Pietro in Vincoli (where you can see the Mosé from Michelangelo)
  • There are also several green parks but it depends by the weather and also they take a lot of time
  • Also there are a lot of other places like Trastevere, Isola Tiberina, Castel Sant’Angelo (and its bridge), … this was just a short list.

Note: underground is running from 5:30 to 23:30. For return to the hotel in the night I suggest a taxi (you can find them for example at Piazza di Spagna) or a night bus (but in this case ask at the hotel the number of the bus). Rome is almost safe, but the suburbs, in the late night, maybe not so much.


Where eat? I usually prefer the Pantheon’s area… just look at the menu (for the price, that don’t trust too much of fixed menu or touristic menu). During the day I prefer eat a sandwich or a pizza slice (or you can find also some fruit at Campo dei Fiori), restaurant are better in the evening.

What eat? It depend by your taste. But some typical pasta dishes are: cacio e pepe (cheese and pepper and of course pasta) and Bucatini all’amatriciana (cheek lard and tomato sauce) or alla gricia (same as before but without tomato sauce).

Artichokes are another must and are cooked in two different way: carciofi alla romana (stewed) or carciofi alla giudia (fried).

A typical meat plate is Coda alla Vaccinara.

Pizza it’s usually also good (it’s different from the Naple style, because usually is thinner).

Restaurant usually accept credit card, but if you take a sandwich or a pizza slice probably you have to pay by cash.


Virtualization, Cloud and Storage Architect. Tech Field delegate. VMUG IT Co-Founder and board member. VMware VMTN Moderator and vExpert 2010-24. Dell TechCenter Rockstar 2014-15. Microsoft MVP 2014-16. Veeam Vanguard 2015-23. Nutanix NTC 2014-20. Several certifications including: VCDX-DCV, VCP-DCV/DT/Cloud, VCAP-DCA/DCD/CIA/CID/DTA/DTD, MCSA, MCSE, MCITP, CCA, NPP.