In the previous post we have described how the command line of a Dell PowerVault storage allows several more operations compare the graphical interface. For example, the disk initialization is just one of the several troubleshooting cases where it becomes mandatory to rely on the command line (or on technical support).
Another case is where the RAID of a disks group go into the “corrupted” state: at that point, again, there is no simple solution because you have limited options in the graphical interface.
Again, the solution is switch to the command line and use the SMICLI command. The command must be run from a system with the graphical management tool of a PowerVault storage (which will also install the command line part) and with the storage already connected using a in-band mode (if the machine has also disk access to the storage), or more commonly in out-of-band mode (using the network management interfaces).
Note that this kind of storage does not include any embedded command line or web server: the entire management must be done remotely by a system (Windows or Linux based) with the management software.
The reference guide is: Dell PowerVault Modular Disk Storage Arrays CLI Guide. For each MD family (and sometime for some firmware family) the CLI may slightly change. So be sure to refer to the right guide (for example, this is the one for MD 3200 series)
In order to fix a corrupted RAID in a Dell PowerVault MD Storage, you must use the revive command: the revive command forces failed physical disks, disk groups, snapshot groups and snapshot virtual disks into an Optimal state. However, this command should only be performed by qualified storage administrators.
CAUTION: Possible loss of data access—Correct use of this command depends on the data configuration on the physical disks in the disk group. Do not attempt to revive a physical disk or disk group unless you are explicitly directed by your Technical Support representative.
Note that you must use the numeric ID of your RAID Group. For example to revive the RAID Group number 3 on the PowerVault storage called “MD3000i” you should use the following command:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\MD Storage Software\MD Storage Manager\client>smcli -n "MD3000i" -c "revive array [3]";