After (several months) after the last CloudOps events, the CloudOps VMUG SIG will organize a new event on the integration between OpenStack and VMware
- Next CloudOps SIG Event: OpenStack & VMware | Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 7:00PM (CEST) or 10:00AM (Pacific Time).
This webinar will be similar to the presentation of Salvatore Orlando (VMware Engineer) at the previous VMUG IT User Conference. Salvatore Orlando will present (this time in English) also this time. Don’t miss him.
VMUG SIGs are some special VMUG groups that differs from geographically local groups by this key points: are topic oriented (and not geo-localized), are globally (worlwide), are almost virtually (with limited face to face meeting) and are interactive at each level (learn from peers, partners but also from VMware). Within these SIGs, members can connect and collaborate through topic based global communities.