Browsing Posts published in July, 2016

Reading Time: 6 minutes Tintri is a well know storage vendor focused on VM-aware storage (VAS) for virtual and cloud environments working in a traditional scale-in model (dual controller with disks and you can expand the disks part), but also recently in a scale-out model using a federated node design that treats multiple Tintri VMstores (both all-flash and hybrid-flash nodes) as a pool of storage, greatly simplifying management, planning and resource allocation. But compared to other software based storage product you need Tintri boxes to make some tests, evaluate the product or just learn more. Or ask for the […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute Altaro is offering an NFR key of Altaro VM Backup (unlimited edition) valued at €495 to all Microsoft and VMware IT professional, to back up your Hyper-V or VMware virtual machines, or simple try and test the product. To get your key, simply fill in the form and they will email your NFR key within a few days! Your Altaro NFR (Not for Resale) license can only be used in non-commercial environments and may not be resold.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Scale Computing, an alternative hyperconverged solution, has launched its ScaleCare Remote Recovery Service, a Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) offering that provides offsite protection for businesses at a price that fits the size and budget of their datacenter needs. Building on the resiliency and high availability of the HC3 Virtualization Platform, ScaleCare Remote Recovery Service is the final layer of protection from Scale Computing needed to ensure business continuity for organizations of all sizes. ScaleCare Remote Recovery Service is a cost-effective alternative to backup and offsite shipping of physical media or third-party vendor hosted […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes Just five years ago this blog has started its life (see the first official post: Blog goes live), initially with a different domain name, but fastly changed with the final one (shorted and probably simpler). In those four years I’ve wrote about all the vSphere 5.x editions (starting with the first 5.0 announce), but not only on vSphere, by covering also other VMware (and non VMware) products. Compared to the previous year (see the related post: Fourth year of vInfrastructure blog), the blog has grow, expecially in the number of visitors (and recurring visitors) and in […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes Finally, after a lot of months after the beta version (with still no info about the results), VMware has released the live (aka “GA”) versions of two of  the first two VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 (VCAP6) exams: VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 — Data Center Virtualization Design (VCAP6-DCV Design) VMware Certified Advanced Professional 6 — Cloud Management and Automation Design (VCAP6-CMA Design)

Reading Time: 3 minutes CloudPhysics provide a SaaS service of data-driven insights for smarter IT quite powerful e with lot of features. One interesting feature is the Cloud Cost Calculators to better understand your public cloud costs and when they can be cheaper compared to the on-prem solution of also compared across multiple cloud provider. Now they announced that it has added Cloud Planning Rightsizer analytics to its Public Cloud Cost Calculators for enterprises who want to move to the public cloud and their channel partners. CloudPhysics’ Cloud Cost Calculators discover the configuration of every virtual machine (VM) in the […]

Reading Time: 8 minutes SwiftStack is a software solution to help people easily create large scale object storage infrastructure in their own data center. They can run their own globally-distributed storage cloud running behind the corporate firewall and keeping the data secure and locally. The core engine IS OpenStack Swift. It’s not forked, fattened, or watered down. This means you get to utilize what drives some of the largest storage clouds, leverage the power of a vibrant community, and there is no vendor lock-in. To learn more on SwiftStack 4.0 just have a look at the product page.

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