Nutanix has announced the new list of Nutanix Tech Champions (NTC) 2017.
NTC is a community awards similar to others programs like VMware vExpert, Microsoft MVP, Cisco Champions, EMC Elect, … rewarding members of the community on their efforts in sharing their knowledge and enabling fellow community members.
The Nutanix Technology Champion program spans the globe and is comprised of IT professionals from every cloud, application group, and technology. They are committed to news ways of thinking that will power the next generation of enterprise computing.
This year, after the PernixData acquisition, this list include also some people from the PernixPro program (that has been closed) that have apply to the NTC program.
The 2017 Nutanix Technology Champions (NTC) list is the following:
Name | Community Account |
Aaron Evans | snavenoraa |
Adam DIckerson | Adamd |
Adam Savage | ASavage |
Aidan Thomson | thebigbluebin |
Arnaud Alapaquette | alapaquette |
Alnoor Karim | alu |
Andrea Mauro | AndreTheGiant |
Andy Morse | AndyMorse |
Antonio Amoroso | antonio_amoroso |
Arjan Hendriks | arjanhs |
Arjan Timmerman | arjantim |
Ather Beg | AtherBeg |
Bart Donders | badonders |
Bart Van Praet | BigTecBart |
Bas van Kaam | BasvanKaam |
Bradley Burgess | jharm73 |
Brandon Graves | brandong08 |
Brett Ruth | bruth |
Bruce Clagett | brucec |
Budi Ezeddin | bezeddin |
Chidambara Shashikiran | shashki2000 |
Chris Farmer | Chris_Farmer |
Chris Kendall | kendall |
Chris monfet | chrismonfet |
Chris Stewart | cstewart |
Chris Weis | chrisweis |
Christian Strijbos | VChrisst |
Clay Godshalk | skialta30 |
Craig Brannigan | CraigB |
Cristian Cantizano Jiménez | ccantizano |
Daemon Behr | DaemonBehr |
Daniel Morris | danmoz |
Darrell Doty | DDoty |
Darren Ashley | BEarenaDarrenA |
Darryl Crossley | BEarenaDarryl |
Dave Kawula | DaveKawula |
Dave Strum | Strumbelievable |
Dukagjin Maloku | DugiNCE |
Eduardo Molina | molikop |
Engin Yoruker | Engin |
Eric Fourn | Kuroijin |
Eric Miller | emiller |
Eric Shanks | eshanks |
Eric Steinke | Virtual_EZ |
Fabien AZRA | Fabien |
Fabric COLAS | FabriceCOLAS |
Fanni Tony | tfanni |
Farhan Parkar | FarhanParkar |
Fouad EL AKKAD | felakkad |
Francis MILLOT | fmillot |
Frederic Lhoest | flhoest |
Gatien GHEZA | GatienGheza |
GC (Bert) van der Lingen | bertvdl |
Go Watanabe | gowatana |
Guy Defryn | AllBlack |
Herman Rutten | havoc |
Hernan Scavetta | hscavetta |
Hiroki Ito | HirokiIto |
Hugh Devaux | hdexClone |
Ian Wright | wrighti |
Ivan Raul Camargo Chacon | ivancho190 |
Jake Fernandez | jnfernandez |
James Pearson | jdpearson |
Jamie Sutton | jamiecs |
Jarian Gibson | jariangibson |
Jason Chittenden | jasonc |
Jason Girard | girardsc |
Jeremy Mayfield | jmayfield |
Jirah Cox | vJirah |
Joep Piscaer | jpiscaer |
John Sam George | jsam316 |
Jon Barker | Jon_IFDS |
Josh Thow | jqvm |
Kelly Clemmensen | KellyClemmensen |
Kerem sugle | krm |
Kevin golding | g0ldingkev |
Kevin Martin | kmartin |
Larry Gonzalez | virtualizecr |
Leandro Ariel Leonhardt | leonhardtla |
Lecorps Alban | Alecorps |
Lukas Klinger | vLukas |
Luke GRay | VirtualLukeG |
Manfred Pichlbauer | pi |
Mario Rielaender | vMario156 |
Marius Sandbu | msandbu |
Massimiliano Mortillaro | darkkavenger |
Matthew Day | idiomatically |
Mattias Sundling | msundling1 |
Maurice Breit | maurice |
Michael in ‘t Hout | Meien |
Michael PERES | Michael_SCC |
Michael Wilmsen | wilmsenit |
Miguel Angel García Caballero | MALCOM |
Mike Dent | mikedent |
Mike Gelhar | mikegelhar |
Mike Orth | MikeOrth |
Mike Preston | mwpreston |
Myles Gray | mylesgray |
Neal Dolson | ndolson |
Nick Bowie | Nick Bowie |
Nicolas Thaesler | NicT |
Nikolay Nikolov | nikolov |
Nilav Mukherjee | Nilav |
Patricio Cerda | pr_cerda |
Paul Woodward Jr | ExploreVM |
Peter van de Bree | pvdbree |
Pierre-Lou Choffin | Pierre-Lou |
Pietro Piutti | pietro_piutti |
Preetam Zare | Preetam |
Raj Patel | rpatel |
Rakesh Sachdeva | rakesh30 |
Ramy Mahmoud | Ramy |
Randal Whitman | randallw |
Raphael Meyerowitz | rmeyerowitz |
Rene Van Den Bedem | vcdx133 |
Renny Lui | renny-lui |
Richard Dudas | Richard_Dudas |
Richard Houghton | StrategicalIT |
Roberto La Verde | rlaverde |
Roni Jamesmeyer | RJamesmeyer |
Ronnie Hamilton | ronnie |
Ross Davies | grdavies |
Sachin Bhowan | sbhowan |
Sagi Almog | salmog |
Samuel Rothenbuehler | sam |
Scott Vartanian | vartman |
Sean Massey | seanpmassey |
Sergio Delgado | Sergio_Delgado |
Shane Kleinert | skleinert |
Shaun Morrissey | smorrissey |
Sibo Attema | Koja99 |
Simon Murdock | Simon_M |
Spencer Dauphin | Spencer Dauphin |
Stefan Riegel | stefanriegel |
Steve Jackson | ManicMangoz |
Sudharsan | sudrsn |
Sungho, Hwang | sungho |
Sylvain Casandjian | SylvainC |
Tetsuo Miyoshi | miyo4i |
Thomas Dory | ThomasD |
Tim Harrison | harrison |
Todd Geib | tgctk |
Tomasz Kochanowicz | tkochanowicz |
Tony Allwood | Tony |
Trond Eirik Håvarstein | xenappblog |
William Fulmer | WillFulmer1 |
Wouter Kursten | wouterkursten |
Yash Mehta | woohyash |
Yon Ubago | yon_ubago |
Yves Sandfort | comdivisionys |
This is the 3rd year of this program, and like in the past year I’m honored to be in the list.
Thanks to Angelo Luciani (community and NTC program manager) and the entire NTC team for this opportunity and his effort in the community program.