Reading Time: < 1 minuteVeeam will provide a free NFR (Not for Resale) license (for 1 year up to 10 users) for Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 to all VMware vExperts, Microsoft MVP, VTEC members, Certified Engineers and Trainers. This license allows for non‑production use of Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 in your home lab without any feature limitations.
Registration page is available at this link.
Utilizing Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 allows you to:
- Empower your IT staff to take control of your organization’s Office 365 data
- Reduce the time and effort needed to find and restore email data
- Protect against data loss scenarios that are not covered by Microsoft
- Facilitate the migration of email data between Office 365 and on‑premises Exchange
- Mitigate the risk of losing access to email data and helps to ensure data Availability to Office 365 users
For more information, see the product’s page.
The new NFR page is live here. Note that exist also a similar offer (from several years) also for the Veeam Availability Suite.
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