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There is an interesting #Blogtober campaign for the tech / virtualization community started on October 2017.

You can have more information on web site or on this post (actually the web site just point to this post).

The rules are simple:

  • If you would like to participate in Blogtober, feel free to comment on this post, with a link to your blog!  I will try to compile a list of blogs in a more consumable format, below.
  • Participating in Blogtober means you commit to creating 5 blog posts during the month of October!
  • UPDATE! VMUG has agreed to give away 3 – $100 Gift Cards to Blogtober participants!  To be eligible, simply post 5 – 400+ word blogs in October and we will randomly draw the winners out of those who have accomplished the feat! More information here.

One of the reasons of this content that I like more is that this time of year is like Christmas for techs: there are many industry conferences occurring, and what better time to blog about what you have learned?
