Interesting European IT events:
- Mobile World Congress – Barcelona (February 26-Mar 1)
- Gartner CIO Leadership Forum – London (Mar 5-7)
- Nutanix .NEXT on Tour – Utrecht (Mar 6), London (Mar 14)
- – Europa-Park (Mar 10-16)
- Oslo Big Data Day 2018 – Oslo (Mar 13)
- Microsoft Tech Summit – Paris (14-15), Amsterdam (Mar 28-29)
- Gartner Data & Analytics Summit – London (Mar 19-21)
- HPE Technology and Solutions Summit – The Hague (Mar 19-23)
- VMUG NL UserCon – Den Bosh (Mar 20)
- Cloud Expo Europe – London (Mar 21-22)
Disclaimer: usually in this list are not included webinars (because they are too much) or events that are too much vendor oriented or with a significant access fee (unless they are really a must). Also this is not the list of my monthly events (days are limited and I have also to work)… Let’s say that it’s almost a whish-list.