Seven years ago I’ve started writing this blog and vInfrastructure starts its life (see the first official post: Blog goes live), initially with a different domain name, but has rapidly changed with the final one (shorted and probably simpler).
In those years, I’ve written wrote about all the vSphere 5.x editions (starting with the first 5.0 announce), all the vSphere 6.x editions… but not only on vSphere, by covering also other VMware (and non VMware) products.
The blog remains one of most popular virtualization related blogs in the top 25-50 across the years. Using the top VMware & virtualization blogs list from vSphere-land web site those are the results:
And still remain in a dual languages version: Italian and English. Keep in two distinct languages is quite difficult and time expensive, in fact I’ve reduce the number of translations and try two write different contents, because Italian visitor are become less, from a percentage prospective (starting from 2014, when I’ve changed the multi-language module, is possible keep also separated visitor stats for each page). And topics could be different.
Considering also that last year the blog has been voted as the favorite non-english blog, I have to keep the keep the Italian version to honour this recognition:
Anyway, I have to thanks all the visitors for this success and hope to do better in the next years. Yes, because I still would keep the blog live, also if I’ve started other projects (like book writing).
For the blog milestones see also: