Browsing Posts published on 18 October 2018

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe new release VMware vSphere 6.7U1 has a lot of improvements, but one has not been emphasized too much: VMware vSphere 6.7 Update 1 finally supports Microsoft Active Directory 2016 schema and relative functional level! Lot of people forget that  vCenter Server, vCenter Single Sign-On and the VMware Platform Services Controller have their own interoperability matrix with Active Directory versions based on the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain functional level, not only with the Windows Server operating system on which Active Directory is running.

Reading Time: 2 minutesA3 Communications helps organisations in the data storage and virtualisation industries to significantly increase their brand awareness and create leading reputations among their target audiences through unparalleled expertise, reliability, and results thanks to bespoke PR, AR and SoMe programmes. Every day A3 Communications helps larger and smaller players, established and emerging ones alike, increase their share of voice, mindshare and ultimately market share. Today A3 Communications has a direct presence in the UK, France, Belgium, Germany and USA and a proven network of partners in the rest of the world.

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