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If you try to upgrade the PowerStore OS and you get this error message:

Prestage failed on appliance XXXX with the following message: The system encountered unexpected backend errors. Please contact support. (0xE04030010001)

Then you may don’t need to contact the support, because the solution could be easy.

In my case the error appear when I try to upgrade a PowerStore X from an old version 1.0.4 to the version and the upgrade, or also the check, fails with the same error message:

There is a good reference that explain the issue:

You need 15G free space is required in the /cyc_cfs filesystem.

You can easy check the used space by connecting with SSH the the storage processor (use the service user and the same password from the GUI) and then run the df command

To free some space you can clear some old collection, by etner in Settings / Support Materials.

Or you can use the following command in the SSH session on the SVC:

svc_dc delete