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Indexima offers a new solution that accelerates your BI and data viz queries transparently.

Nothing to install, nothing to setup, switch to Indexima for Snowflake to automatically get the best aggregation layer and save time and money.

During the last IT Press Tour #59, Nicolas Korchia CEO of Indexima presented their solutions.

The paradox of BI

The paradox of Business Intelligence lies in its simplicity of presentation through the representation of data, masking the underlying complexities. Beneath its surface, a labyrinth of complexity challenges the simplicity it aims to deliver:

  • Slowness of the dashboards
  • Manual data-engineering: hard work on optimization
  • Delays in “simple” dashboards delivery

Many people underestimate the complexity of DataViz optimization, leading to cost inflation, performance issues, delays, and end-user frustration for what seems simple at first.

Automatic optimization

Indexima automatically creates and maintains the best aggregations layer over time with dynamic tables, for a self-service experience, without any human intervention.

It use specific ML algorithms to pre-aggregrate data for maximum perfs and minimum computing scale and provide friction-free BI without delays or human intervention.

Carbon Footprint Reduction

How can we exploit data sustainably while striving to limit carbon emissions? One solution is to avoid scanning data all day long.

Indexima achieves this by pre-computing smart aggregates, eliminating the need to repeatedly scan the same terabytes of data to obtain the same result. This approach is part of Indexima’s commitment to sustainable use of data.

Indexima products

Actually there are two different products:

  • Indexima 1.0: on-prem solution, BI expert Warehouse since 2017
  • Indexima 2.0: cloud based solutions, Snowflake Autopilot, starting 2024

Soon there will be also a version for DataBricks.
