La prossima release della famiglia Windows è sempre più vicina (anche se si parla comunque di vari mesi ancora prima del rilascio finale) e già sono disponibili alcune technical preview (sia per la parte client, che oramai tutti sanno si chiamerà Windows 10, che per la parte server, che ancora non ha un nome ufficiale).
Le nuove versioni dei sistemi operativi sono anche state, ovviamente, uno dei temi principali dello scorso TechEd Europe e lo saranno anche del MVP Summit che si svolgerà a breve.
Natualmente le nuove versioni comportano nuove funzionalità e nella parte server ve ne sono molte di interessanti con una lista dedicata sul sito TechNet. Va detto però che questa lista non è ancora completa… da qui alla RC alcune funzioni potrebbero essere tolte (difficile) o altre funzoinalità potrebbero essere aggiunte (molto più probabile). Questa settimana parteciperà (per la prima volta) all’evento MVP Global Summit, che si svolgerà a Bellevue e Redmond dal 3 al 6 novembre, e che sarà una ghiotta opportunità per scoprire qualcosa di più sulle nuove funzionalità e su quelle che ancora non hanno publicizzato.
Ovviamente una nuova versione di Windows Server corrisponderà anche ad una nuova versione di Hyper-V che continua a cresce sia in maturità che in funzionalità. In particolare questo è un primo elenco di nuove funzionalità:
- New virtual machine configuration file format will help in handle better the configuration that now is in binary file (the reason is related on the integrity of the file that could be better provided using a binary format). Maybe I don’t 100% in this choice (a text file could be easy to be manually fixed if something goes wrong)… but I understand that a binary format could provide some advantages.
- Hot add and remove for network adapters and memory seems nothing new compared to VMware ESXi features (NICs hot add and remove was introduced in vSphere 4.0) but could be an important step to make VMs more flexible. Both features require generation 2 of VMs, but memory hot add will also require latest version of guest OSes (and note that is not dynamic memory, because can work also without it).
- Rolling Hyper-V Cluster Upgrade is another necessary feature that sound a standard in other solutions. Will simplify the upgrade process of a Microsoft cluster and actually seems that the Hyper-V cluster still rely on Failover cluster features… So could be really important both for the virtualized environments and also for the Microsoft clustered environments (like the Scale-Out File Server).
- Storage quality of service (QoS) will permit to create storage QoS policies on a Scale-Out File Server and assign them to one or more virtual disks on Hyper-V virtual machines. Storage performance is automatically readjusted to meet policies as the storage load fluctuates. It’s something interesting that will deserve a more detailed post
- Storage Replica (SR) this feature will enables storage-agnostic, block-level, synchronous replication between servers for disaster recovery, as well as stretching of a failover cluster for high availability. Synchronous replication enables mirroring of data in physical sites with crash-consistent volumes ensuring zero data loss at the file system level. Asynchronous replication allows site extension beyond metropolitan ranges with the possibility of data loss. VM replication was already present in previous versions, but this is something more.
- Network Controller is a new server role in Windows Server® Technical Preview designed to be a highly available and scalable server role that provides the point of automation that allows you to configure, monitor, and troubleshoot the following aspects of a datacenter stamp or cluster. Seems a Microsoft’s reply to VMware NSX (not yet at same value, but could be an interesting first step).
Per maggiori informazioni (in inglese) consultate anche le relative pagine sul sito TechNet:
- What’s New in Hyper-V in Technical Preview. This topic explains the new and changed functionality of the Hyper-V role in Windows Server Technical Preview, Client Hyper-V running on Windows 10 Technical Preview, and Microsoft Hyper-V Server Technical Preview.
- What’s New in Storage Services in Windows Server Technical Preview. This topic explains the new and changed functionality of Storage Services. An update in storage quality of service now enables you to create storage QoS policies on a Scale-Out File Server and assign them to one or more virtual disks on Hyper-V virtual machines. Storage Replica is a new feature that enables synchronous replication between servers for disaster recovery, as well as stretching of a failover cluster for high availability.
- What’s New in Networking in Windows Server Technical Preview. With this topic you can discover information about new networking technologies, such as Network Controller and Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) Tunneling, and new features for existing technologies, including IP Address Management (IPAM), DNS, and DHCP.
- What’s New in Failover Clustering in Windows Server Technical Preview. This topic explains the new and changed functionality of Failover Clustering. A Hyper-V or Scale-out File Server failover cluster can now easily be upgraded without any downtime or need to build a new cluster with nodes that are running Windows Server Technical Preview.