Browsing Posts published on 5 Ottobre 2016

Reading Time: < 1 minute As usal, the #vBrownbag TechTalks are returning again in Europe also this year. October 2016 will be a big month for vBrownBag in Barcelona with both the OpenStack Summit and also the VMworld EMEA TechTalks. The TechTalks are ten-minute presentations by community members at an industry conference. Most of them (and the original idea of the vBrownBag “unconference” was this) are originated with sessions not being accepted for the main conference catalog. We know we want to learn from the community so we arranged an alternative forum. TechTalks are limited to ten minutes; they deliver […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute October is a big month for vBrownBag in Barcelona with the OpenStack Summit and also the VMworld EMEA with a lot of TechTalks. The ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag is a series of online webinars held using GotoMeeting and covering various Virtualization & VMware Certification topics. TechTalks are ten-minute presentations by community members at an industry conference. They originated with sessions not being accepted for the main conference catalog. TechTalks are limited to ten minutes; they deliver the very core of an idea. Keeping presentations short also means we can do a lot of sessions in a day. […]

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