Browsing Posts published in Marzo, 2018

Reading Time: 3 minutesMany people probably remember Violin Memory and it’s products, probably one of the first in the All Flash Array (AFA) field. Founded in 2005 as Violin Technologies by Donpaul Stephens and Jon Bennett. I’ve talk about them several times (see for example this 2012 post: Powering the cloud report – Violin Memory), because they got interesting technologies. But when they enter in the stock exchange, the journey wasn’t lucky enough: On December 14, 2016 Violin Memory filed for Chapter 11 Federal Bankruptcy protection.

Reading Time: 2 minutesOra che il problema di Meltdown and Spectre è stato quasi del tutto sistemato, compare una nuova criticità su molti processori Intel. Quattro ricercatori di altrettante università, la College of William and Mary, la Carnegie Mellon University, la UC Riverside e la Binghamton University, hanno individuato una nuova possibile falla dei processori, chiamata BranchScope. Come per le vulnerabilità precedenti rientra nella categoria “speculative execution” e la feature di “branch prediction” (Branch prediction units) dei moderni processori, un sistema predittivo per anticipare le possibile operazioni da effettuare al fine di risponderne più velocemente.

Reading Time: 2 minutesOne year ago, VMware has started the bifurcation of VMware Tools for Legacy and Current Guests using of two separate delivery vehicles: VMware Tools 10.1 is available for OEM-supported guest OSs only VMware Tools 10.0.12 was for the guests OS that have fallen out of support by their respective vendors are offered “frozen”. VMware Tools 10.2 branch is the new evolution of 10.1 versions, and now it’s arrived at version 10.2.5! This version is only for supported OSes, VMware Tools ISO images are frozen for some end of life guest operating systems.

Reading Time: 2 minutesVMware has acquired the technology and team of E8 Security. With this acquisition, VMware is further reinforcing its commitment to deliver the industry’s first intelligence-driven digital workspace to empower the employee experience and drive predictive security. Adding E8 Security’s capabilities to VMware’s digital workspace platform, VMware Workspace ONE, will enable customers to get a single platform approach that simplifies management and security by correlating data to accurately detect and respond to advanced threats using analytics.

Reading Time: 2 minutesVMware Cloud on AWS is an on-demand service that enables you to run applications across vSphere-based cloud environments with access to a broad range of AWS services. VMware is pushing on this service and its offer, and few weeks ago has actived the first “European” region in UK.

Reading Time: 3 minutesNimbus Data Systems, è un’azienda privata di storage flash fondata 2006 con alcune interessanti soluzioni (vedere il mio articolo del 2012, Nimbus Data – Storage Flash) e con la particolarità di progettare e produrre i dischi SSD internamente. Negli ultimi anni l’azienda era un po’ scomparsa e giravano voci di un possibile fallimento (tipo quando successo a Violin), anche perché il sito web non dava alcun nuovo annuncio e l’ultima “news” risaliva a giugno 2014)… Ma ora sono di nuovo “attivi”, con il semplice nome Nimbus Data, ma sempre con lo stesso logo e lo […]

Reading Time: < 1 minuteFeedspot, un noto feed aggregato usato per leggere diversi siti web, ha stilato una lista dei best sysadmin blogs analizzando centinaia di siti di diversi sysadmin blogs, in base i loro indici legati alla frequenza di ricerca e alle metrice di social media. Questo blog è nell’elenco nella posizione 11!

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