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Veeam has started an interesting collaboration with Pure Storage some years ago, but probably the most notable collaboration was during the last Pure Storage Accelerate at San Francisco where both the companies have provided a compelling solution for businesses that are undergoing a digital transformation.

The main intent was to provide a storage integration between Veeam Backup & Replication and Pure Storage. This integration was planned to be available early 2018 to provide businesses with the ability to leverage storage snapshots for significantly improved RPO and reduced infrastructure impact.

Finally, the integration is there! You can read more on this post: New Snapshot Integration for Pure Storage now available for Veeam Backup & Replication

This storage integration is based on the Universal Storage API, introduced with Veeam Availability Suite 9.5 update 3. This framework offers built-in integrations with storage systems to help decrease impact on the production environment and significantly improve RPOs.

Like other Veeam’s storage integration with option (available only with Enterprise Plus license and only on vSphere platform) can be used in different use cases and advantages.

Reduce impact on performance of production workloads

The features this framework unlocks are the ability to reduce the impact of performance on the primary storage, and limit the duration of VMware’s snapshots.

By offloading the snapshot at the storage side, it’s also possible reduce the RPO to provide a better data protection.

And of course, with Veeam Explorer for Storage Snapshots, is possible manage the storage snapshot better and easierl.

Enable granular recovery from storage snapshots

Recovery it’s possible, of course, at storage side, by restoring the entire datastore. But it’s also possible to use the Veeam Explorer for Storage Snapshots to gain visibility into historic snapshots and still give the ability to perform granular recovery tasks against snapshots not even created by Veeam on the storage array.

As usual, restore, with Veeam, could be easy like take the backup.

Application consistent storage snapshot orchestration

To provide integrity of the different recovery point is necessary to drive application consistent snapshots on the storage array to provide an option for really fast recovery of data, down to the application item level.

Automated restore verification and on-demand labs: “Put your data to work”

An important aspect is the ability to test your backup, otherwise you cannot be sure that your data, applications and services are really protected.

Sure backup and virtual lab are the common way to test your backup, but with storage integration it’s possible test them using storage snapshots direcly in a more efficient way.
