Browsing Posts published on 6 Giugno 2018

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIl programma vExpert vSAN è uno specifico sotto-programma del VMware vExpert focalizzato ed incentrato sul prodotto e tecnologia VMware vSAN. L’idea dei sottoprogrammi vExpert (nati 2 anni fa) era quello di riportare il vExpert ad un livello “elitario” con un elenco “compatto” e specializzato di partecipanti. Dopo le liste dei vExpert vSAN 2016 e 2017 lists, ora VMware ha annunciato la lista dei vExpert vSAN 2018.

Reading Time: 4 minutesScality has announced the RING 7.4 Long Term Support (LTS) release. This release streamlines IT operations with major advancements in ease-of-deployment and operations for scale-out file and object storage and new 3-server configurations for HPE Apollo server platforms for a smaller, more affordable entry-point to scale-out software-defined storage. Scality RING is software that turns any standard x86 servers into web-scale storage. Scality RING stores data without limits with incredible efficiency and 100% reliability, guaranteed—all while reducing costs by as much as 90% over legacy systems.

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