Browsing Posts tagged SDN

Reading Time: 2 minutes Software for Open Networking in the Cloud (SONiC) is the open networking solution used in Microsoft’s Azure Cloud. SONiC is the networking switch software used in the lower layer of Azure Datacenter fabric (TOR and Aggregation).

Reading Time: 4 minutes Big Switch Networks is a company in the Software Defined Network (SDN) area with a clear declared mission: to bring hyperscale networking to a broader audience, by delivering fit-for-purpose products based on hyperscale networking technologies. They have two main products: Big Tap Monitoring Fabric (BigMon) and Big Cloud Fabric (BCF). The first one is an entry level solution for monitoring existing networks, the second one is an advanced bare-metal SDN switching fabric intended for new data center pods such as private cloud, big data and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

Reading Time: 3 minutes Arrcus emerges from stealth and has launched and released its first product: ArcOS, an independent, open, Linux-based, hardware agnostic network operating system. ArcOS is a high-quality alternative to vertically integrated OEMs, to meet and exceed the modern smart network infrastructure requirements. ArcOS is a fully programmable, microservices-based network operating system built from first principles. Based on Debian Linux, it is an open system that can be easily integrated with other Linux distributions as well.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Big Switch Networks announced that Big Cloud Fabric (BCF) now supports a robust ecosystem of the leading hyperconverged (HCI) solutions, including: VMware vSAN, Dell EMC ScaleIO, and Nutanix. Big Switch Networks is a company in the Software Defined Network (SDN) area with a clear declared mission: to bring network innovation to a broader audience, by delivering fit-for-purpose products based on hyperscale networking technologies.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Come accaduto all’edizione americana del VMworld 2015, il team dei #vBrownbag ha realizzato alcuni TechTalks anche all’edizione europea del VMworld. I TechTalks sono delle presentazioni di qualche decina di minuti (da 10  a 20 a seconda della presentazione), gestiti da membri della comunità e/o da sponsor are ten-minute presentations by community members at an industry conference. La maggior parte delle presentazioni nasce da quelle che non sono state accettate come sessioni del VMworld (e in effetti l’idea iniziale della “unconference” era proprio fornire uno spazio a queste sessioni).

Reading Time: 6 minutes Big Switch Networks è un’azienda specializzata nelle reti hyperscale ed open hardware e negli ultimi mesi ha sviluppano nuove versioni dei propri prodotti di gestione e monitoraggio (vedere anche Big Switch Networks has a big announce) e ora hanno ulteriori nuove versioni sia per Big Cloud Fabric (con la nuova versione 2.6) sia per Big Tap Monitoring Fabric (con la nuova versione 4.5). Se il fenomeno del Software Defined Network è sicuramente noto, magari lo sono meno i concetti di scalabilità estrema degli switch, ma soprattutto l’esistenza di Open Switch (più correttamente white box switch) […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute After the big announce in the previous week, now Big Switch Networks will launch its BSN Labs to the public. What is BSN Labs? It’s an online portal to test drive its SDN products, including Big Cloud Fabric and Big Tap Monitoring Fabric… like a hands-on-lab it could be very useful also for understand how the products works and its features. While traditional networking products require access to physical hardware in order to use or test products, Big Switch Labs enables instant online testing of its products via this one-of-a-kind demo environment.

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