Browsing Posts tagged Xen

Reading Time: 5 minutesSystem virtualization remain the foundation of several datacenter infrastructures, although somebody thinkgs that virtualization is not cool anymore. For the on-prem deployment VMware (by Broadcom) vSphere is still the main solution with a large adoption (over 60% according with several analyst), but after Broadcom acquisition and all the changes in the licensing model and licensing price, some customers are looking for some alternatives.

Reading Time: 2 minutesXCP-ng is an OpenSource fork from Xen to provide a user-friendly, high-performance virtualization solution, developed collaboratively for unrestricted features and open-source accessibility. XCP-ng is a Linux distribution of the Xen Project with pre-configured Xen Hypervisor and the Xen API project (XAPI) working out-of-the-box.

Reading Time: 4 minutesRecently, during VMworld US 2018, VMware has celebrated the 20 years of the company. But there is another virtualization project that has a lot of history like VMware: the Xen Project and this October marks our 15th anniversary. On October 2003, Ian Pratt (founder of the Xen Project) announces the first stable release of the Xen virtual machine monitor for x86, and port of Linux 2.4.22 as a guest OS. It was one of the most popular open source hypervisors and amasses more than 10 million users; but now there is a clear rise of KVM and also […]

Reading Time: 4 minutesVirtualization products comparisons are almost common, but usually are too much (single) vendor oriented and each try to bring better conclusion on its products. So it’s difficult find something that it’s really independent. Also customer experiences could be polarized by their knowledge and the experience itself, or (and this could be worst) by a better design or architecture choice. I’ve write something one year ago (see this post), but of course products change so things also change. So part is still valid and part must be updated.

Reading Time: 4 minutesI’ve read some posts (see in the bottom of this post for the references) and I notice how the  hypervisor comparison and choosing criteria are still a interesting trend and not only a marketing battle between different vendors (and maybe there will be more interest will be on this aspects with the release of Windows Server 8). But in several cases the comparison is limited to the hypervisor technical characteristics (and I’ve already written something about Hyper-V 3.0, XenServer 6.0 and RHEV 3.0) without considering (except in some cases) that the those are only one […]

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn the previous post I’ve esplain how to install XenServer 6.0 (but can works also with previous versions) in a VM, using VMware products like Workstation 8 or vSphere 5. To build a XenServer Pool (that is basically the same of a VMware Cluster) you need at least two hosts and a shared storage (and of course a shared network). I suggest to do not clone the second host from the fist because XenServer works with several UUID and in this way you will clone also the host UUID and XenCenter will be not able […]

Reading Time: 3 minutesAs written in a previous post, Citrix with XenServer 6 is trying to fill the gap from VMware vSphere… and most features (included distributed virtual switches) are now common also in this type of solution. Of course features are only one of the possible criteria to select an hypervisor and a virtualization solution. To make some practice or just to have a look at the product, it is possible run it in a VM on VMware products, both Workstation 8 (and probably also 7) and vSphere 5 can be used.

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