Browsing Posts tagged vCenter

Reading Time: 9 minutesVMware by Broadcom has just released vSphere 8.0 Update 3 (8.0.3). Note that ESXi 8.0 Update 3 release is an Initial Availability (IA) (and went in GA on on 07/26/2024). The vCenter Server 8.0 Update 3 release instead is a General Availability (GA). For more information on the vSphere 8.0 IA/GA Release Model of vSphere Update releases, see The vSphere 8 Release Model Evolves. Before planning any type of update, remember to check the entire hardware and software compatibility and, at least, could be safe wait for ESXi in GA. And don’t forget backup programs, actually […]

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Reduced Downtime Upgrade (RDU) is a new mechanism introduced in vSphere 8.x for upgrade/update the self-managed vCenter Servers with a minimal downtime (lesser compared to normal upgrade/update procedure). What is the Self-managed vCenter Server? It’s a vCenter Server that manages its own ESXi host and its own virtual machine. More information are available in KB 92659 (vCenter Server upgrades with the reduced downtime).

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe possibility to backup VCSA using VAMI at file level is very powerfull and could be a good “plan-B” in case the backup at image level is not restorable (it happens in case of file/DB corruptions). But, of course, is not perfect and still in latest version there are some issues, like the VAMI backup retention issue. But can also happen that backup fails with no specific errors.

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAccording with Product Lifecycle Matrix and KB 89305, VMware has officially declared, vSphere 6.5.x and vSphere 6.7.x will be End of General Support by October 15th 2022. To maintain your full level of Support and Subscription Services, VMware recommends upgrading to vSphere 7.

Reading Time: 3 minutesDellEMC PowerStore is the new product line that will replace the old Equallogic/SC/VNX/Unity series. It’s a nice product with a mix of the features of all those prevuious products and a new modern design both in the hardware and the software parts. From VMware vSphere point of view it can be access as a block level storage with iSCSI and/or FC protocols, but it has also a native vVols implementation and, for example, in the PowerStoreX model it’s the default way to access at the storage resources.

Reading Time: 2 minutesEasy question, but much more complicated answer. If you go to you can found a strange combo of versions:

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe file-level backup feature introduced in vCSA 6.5 is very powerfull and schedulable (starting with vCSA 6.7) because sometimes the image-level backup may not provide the proper integrity if you have corrupted files inside the VM. Also with vSphere 7.0 is possible monitoring the status of the file-level backup directly from vSphere Client and this is quite usefull to have this information direct visible from the UI:

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