Browsing Posts tagged VCB

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs written in the previous post related to the upgrade to vSphere 5, the old VCB framework can still be used also with latest version, but is a not supported configuration (I’ve made the test only with a Windows Server 2008 R2 for the VCB proxy, but I suppose that works also with previous OS). Of course the SAN transport mode could not work (or not if you use VMFS5), but the NBD works as on the old vSphere 4.x. The only issue that I get (but honestly I’ve make only few tests) is on […]

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen the vSphere infrastructure is upgraded, than also the backup part needs a check (and maybe a refresh). But, in order to avoid big issue, is better check it also before the entire upgrade, just to be sure that all remain supported. I also suggest to use this as a potential review of the the entire backup policies to find how to improve them and/or how to use different solutions (not necessary different products). About the backup programs, most of them could still work with vSphere, because the vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP) are […]

Reading Time: 2 minutesWith the new version of VMware vSphere there are some small and big changes: some products and features were removed, but also some new features were addes (for the 140 new features of vSphere 5 see: vSphere 5.0 Features and Duncan’s 50 out of 140 vSphere 5 Features Challenge). Who is out: the old ESX (the legacy ESX with the full Service Console) has gone, see: ESX and GSX are dead?! the old Converter Enterprise (integrated in vCenter Server) has gone and only the Standalone Converter remain but in this was there is not more […]

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