Browsing Posts tagged VDP

Reading Time: < 1 minute Recenltly I’ve got some issue with Storage vMotion due to the “lock” function used by some backup programs. I’ve write about it related with Symantec Backup Exec, but this time was with VMware Data Protector (VDP). Usually, backup programs disable Storage vMotion during the backup process to avoid datastore changes (and issue during the copy, considering that starting from vSphere 5.0 it’s possible use Storage vMotion also on VM with snapshots). But if the backup process fail, some backup programs does not clear this information correctly.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Finally there are several other aspects to consider: backup software, storage plugins, vSphere client, … Backup The backup software must be compatible with vSphere 5.1, so check it before the upgrade procedure. Actually most of the backup software vendors have version for vSphere 5.1, but note that old backup software may be not compatible.

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the new vSphere 5.1, there is a missing component replaced by a new one: VMware Data Recovery (VDR) has been replaced by the new VMware vSphere Data Protection (VDP). VDR was a backup solution introduced with vSphere 4.0 and based on the VMware vSphere API for Data Protection (VADP) which includes the Changed Block Tracking (CBT) technology (to have incremental backup). But was a limited product (especially not suitable to scale to with several VMs) and also the 2.0 version introduced in vSphere 5.0 was not so changed too much (except in a little […]

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