The VCP-NV 2019 certification proves you can transform the economics of network and security operations for your company.
VCP-NV 2019 certification validates your ability to install, configure, and administer NSX virtual networking implementations, regardless of the underlying physical architecture.
Usually to gain this you need to take the related exam, and of course pass it.
Actually the exam is the VMware Certified Professional 6 – Network Virtualization 6.2 Exam, but there will be soon a new exam updated to NSX-T (and no more on NSX-v).
But there are also some way to gain the VCP-NV certification by saving on the exam cost.
The first easy way is also the most cost effective: if you already have a VCP-NV or VCP6-NV you can upgrade to VCP-NV 2019 if you attend the ‘VMware NSX: Whats New [6.4]’ self-paced course.
That’s it! Funny but it’s super-fast and very usefult (I’ve also used this way to upgrade my VCP-NV certification). You don’t have to take any exam at all!
The second way is attend to the new NSX-T Data Center [V2.4] course. VMware is giving away a free exam voucher to everyone who attends one of the eligible classes in July 2019.
Eligible Classes are only in Europe, Middle East and Africa:
- Milan, Italy: 1 – 5 July
- Kista, Sweden: 1 – 5 July
- Bezons, France: 8 – 12 July
- Raanana, Israel: 14 – 18 July
- Prague, Czech Republic: 15 – 19 July
- Live Online GMT+2: 15 – 19 July
For all the terms and conditions around this promotion, please click here.
Of course with this way you still have to take the VCP-NV related exam, but at least you save on the exam cost.
The third way (but it’s the same for all VCP exams), if you already have some kind of VCP certification, is just take the VCAP-NV Deploy exam… it cost more, but also it give an higher level of certification… and it will give you the VCP-NV certification. Unfortunately the VCAP-NV is not yet updated to the 2019 version, so I guess that, at this time, it will not match the VCP-NV 2019.