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Keepit provides data protection for all your key SaaS applications in one single, vendor-independent platform.

I’ve met this company in the last A3 Communications Technology Live! in Paris and London and their solution is very interesting and unique.

SaaS backup area is growing fast because of the better understanding of the shared responsability model, but also because the adoption of SaaS applications is growing (both in the SMB and the enterprise).

Why Keepit can be an interesting solution?

Choosing the proper SaaS backup solution is quite difficult and there are a lot of criterias that must be considered.

Each company is probably using several SaaS applications, that means more complexity in the backup operations if you choose one vertical product for each application.

One backup solution for all (or most of all) SaaS application could be easiest to manage and control and this is the case of Keepit!

They can protect your crucial cloud data created in Microsoft 365, Entra ID (formerly Azure AD), Salesforce, Google Workspace, Azure DevOps, Power Platform, Dynamics 365, and Zendesk.

But more interesting is the fact that they build a common layer of abstraction that make possible build new “connectors” to other SaaS application and maintain the same interface and infrastructure.

Their backup solution is SaaS based and store the data in their cloud.

If you follow the 3-2-1 backup rule, it says backup data needs to be stored separately from the production data, which is also in line with the NIST framework. That’s exactly what Keepit achieves with its independent cloud, meaning you’ll always have access to your data, even when your SaaS vendor has downtime. Other cloud backup solutions store your backup data on the same cloud infrastructure as your primary data, which exposes your company to risks. Read more in “What’s true backup” blog.

Actually they have 7 regions worldwide (USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland) but they are growing fast.

For each region there are two different and independent datacenters and 4 copies totally are stored (2+2).

The possibility to store only in their cloud could be a limit, but I guess that in the future they may add a remote copy option.

And where is the 1 of the 3-2-1 rule? Basically both copies are offsite copies, from the point of view of the data source.

One typical issue of SaaS backup solutions is the throttling mechanism that the cloud provider is implement to protect its services from DoS or from high usage. To mitigate this problem, Keepit use different techniques must be implemented by the backup product to increase (but also control) the parallelism of the backup process. For some data they perform incremental backup, for other type of data where incremental backup is not available they copy only new objects.

For the security aspects, Keepit has already different security certifications/compliances:

But not only: they design a unique object storage solution based on standard server (actually Dell PowerEdge with JBOD HDDs).

Their filesystem designed for the specific data backup use case, has build in features for data replication, data durability and data immutability and works with a specific erasure coding solution where parity is not distruibuited but is on some specific nodes (in this way those node could be potentially suspendend when parity is not needed and save power energy).

And the price model is very interesting:

  • Pricing based on seats
  • No cost for departed users
  • Same pricing on additional seats
  • No cost of retention (99 years)
  • No ingress or egress cost 0