Browsing Posts tagged Tape

Fujifilm Logo

Reading Time: 2 minutesFUJIFILM Object Archive enables the interaction of the rapidly growing amount of data with tape storage systems, creating a sustainable and an air-gapped secure data archiving strategy.  FUJIFILM Object Archive software is a data management software that can also perform storage system management made specifically for long-term data preservation and data protection. It addresses the increasing needs for a sustainable storage tier for infrequently accessed cold data residing on flash or disk-based storage plaƞorms and reduces overall storage costs.

Fujifilm Logo

Reading Time: 2 minutesFUJIFILM Kangaroo is a customisable turn-key ready solution with all components pre-installed and all in one location: your premises. Everything you need to archive your (cold) data for the long-term. It includes all the hardware, software and tapes, pre-installed in a single custom box, or “naked” to be installed in your existing rack.

Reading Time: 3 minutesQStar Technologies announces QStar Global ArchiveSpace, a new multi-node gateway software solution that cost-effectively supports the massive archive needs of high performance computing (HPC), AI/ML, hyperscalers, media and entertainment and video surveillance environments, looking to simplify, store and protect data for the long-term using the world’s largest tape libraries. QStar Technologies is a world leader in active archive software for tape libraries, founded in 1987, in Bethesda, Maryland (USA). Corporate headquarters are in Denver (USA )and Milan (Italy). From the outset the firm has focused exclusively on developing products and solutions to manage, store and […]

LTO Tapes

Reading Time: 4 minutesMore than 10 years ago, I wrote a blog post with the question is backup to tape dead? The answer was no, but what about tapes usage now, on 2024? Data has grow and the demand of solution to manage cold data also. For this reason there is a high investment in cold data storage solution and tape is still relevant also today!

Reading Time: 3 minutesSpectra Logic introduced a new product: StorCycle™ is a new storage management software solution designed for data-driven organisations that need a modern storage lifecycle management workflow. StorCycle allows organisations to create a new Perpetual Tier of storage, reducing the overall cost of storing data by up to 70 percent, while giving users full access to their data.

Reading Time: 4 minutesIn my briefing with Spectra Logic, during the last Powering the cloud event, was with Steve Mackey, Vice President International at Spectra Logic. I’ve met him also last year during the past event so was the opportunity know what has changed in the last months. Compared to other storage companies met during this event, this is one with a long history (over 30 years of experience in storage) and it well known in the US, but honestly not the same in EMEA (or at least not in Italy) and, in fact, one of their mission […]

Reading Time: 3 minutesMy briefing with Spectra Logic, during the last Powering the cloud event, was with Steve Mackey (VP International). The company design and deliver innovative data protection through tape and disk-based backup, recovery and archive storage solutions. Compared to previous companies met during this event, this is one with a long history (over 30 years of experience in storage) and it well know in the US, but honestly not the same in EMEA (or at least not in Italy) and, in fact, one of their mission is increase the market share in EMEA.

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