Browsing Posts in Microsoft

Reading Time: 2 minutes One of the interesting features of System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 is that it can handle several other objects and not only the VM (when the name will be changed to reflect this?). Of course it can handle hosts (not only Hyper-V hosts), but also networking and storage. All those resource are in the “fabric” tab. In this case we see a storage array with its LUNs:

Reading Time: < 1 minute In the previous post we have discuss on how convert from VHD (used for example in Microsoft Hyper-V) to VMDK format (used in VMware products). Now let’s see how to convert from the other side. There are several tools to make this V2V operation:

Reading Time: < 1 minute As you probably already know a VM is incapsulated with a set of files that define VM properties and objects. Some of those files are the virtual disks files and each vendor use its own format: VMware use the VMDK and Microsoft & Citrix use the VHD format. Note that there could be more sub-types (for example for the VMDK files, but we will explain in future posts). To convert between different format you can use some kind of converter to perform a virtual to virtual (V2V) task.

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you want to “play” with Windows 8 Consumer Preview or “Windows Server 8” Beta, then there are several installation options. Destinations Hard disk This the common solution, but mean the needs of a blank partition, or space to build a new partition, or the possibility to erase your disk. If you choose a dual boot configuration, of course, the bootloader must be modified to add the new entry. Physical installation permit to test most of the features and can give better performance (for example you cannot realize how fast is the boot procedure in […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes Microsoft has recently made some changed in certifications and also has introduced new paths, like the new MCSE: Private Cloud certification. The path has the following requirements: become a MCSA: Windows Server 2008 pass the Exam 247: Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 (Until January 31, 2013, Exam 70-659 may be taken in place of 70-247) pass the Exam 246: Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 Note The Private Cloud certification requires candidates to show continued ability to perform in this technology area by completing a recertification […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes One trend in the last year(s) is that the virtualization ecosystem is growing outside the boundary where was born: historical partner vendor of VMware now are extending their solution to other hypervisors, and also also new products are designed to managed a more complex virtual environment. This was also called “Hypervisor Agnosticism” in a VKernel post. We do not talk about interoperability across different hypervisors, but simple use same tools, especially for management, monitoring and data protection, for more type of products. Does it make sense? For a single customer maybe not… have multiple environment […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes Microsoft Windows Dynamic Disks (or Dynamic Volumes) are an abstraction layer (introduced in Windows 2000) over the partitions (similar to the LVM layer on Linux environment) to decoupled the volumes (with their NTFS data) from the disk partitions and have a greater flexibility, like hot-extend a volume by simple add new partitions (but also several other advantages). But in a virtual environment there are other way to handle disk flexibility, like hot-extend a virtual disk at hypervisor level (for VMware this feature was introduced in VI 3.5U2)… so there is no need to use dynamic […]

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