With the new version of VMware vSphere there are some small and big changes: some products and features were removed, but also some new features were addes (for the 140 new features of vSphere 5 see: vSphere 5.0 Features and Duncan’s 50 out of 140 vSphere 5 Features Challenge).
Who is out:
- the old ESX (the legacy ESX with the full Service Console) has gone, see: ESX and GSX are dead?!
- the old Converter Enterprise (integrated in vCenter Server) has gone and only the Standalone Converter remain
but in this was there is not more a cold conversion solution (from VMware)
see also: http://communities.vmware.com/people/vmroyale/blog/2011/09/13/vmware-vcenter-converter-plug-in-is-removed-in-vsphere-5 - the new VUM 5 does no more support the guest remediation, also if VMware has acquire Shavlik (the repository was used in the previous versions of VUM)
now there is a new specific product for it: VMware vCenter Configuration Manager - Guided Consolidation is no more included… use Capacity Planner or other tools
- VCB is no more included and previous version are not supported
use backup programs that implement the specifc APIs (VADP) - the 32 bit software has gone?! ESXi is 64 bit (from vSphere 4.0), vCenter Server is 64 bit (from vSphere 4.1)…
but VUM 5.0, View Composer, vSphere Client, … are still 32 bit
Who is in (for a complete list see previous links):
- vCenter Server for Linux: distribuited as a virtual appliance (vCenter Server Virtual Appliance)
- the Web Client is a possible multiplatform replace (in several tasks) for the vSphere client (still only for Windows platform)
- AutoDeploy
- Central collector for hosts log and core dump
- Storage DRS and Storage Profiles