I don’t like make predictions, because the future isn’t so clear or simple, and in the IT one year could be lot of time and lot of changes. Also I see a lot of predictions that seems only in a binary state (who is in, who is out)… but the real could be completely different from a simple black and white approach. For example same say that the 2012 will be the year of the VDI (I’ve heard this in the last 3 years), others that will be the big fail of the VDI and the traditional PC approach… IMHO neither of the two sentences are realistic: the end user computing segment is more complicated and actually there isn’t a clear big winner.
So I just put a list of links of some prediction for the next year:
- 7 Virtualization Predictions for 2012 (VDI, Mobile, Big Data, Hybrid Clouds, Social Enterprise, Automation, Storage)
- One IT pro’s predictions for virtualization in 2012 (more Hyper-V)
- The 5th Hands on Virtualization Podcast – Predictions for 2012
- DataCore Software: 2012 Predictions (Storage Hypervisors, Virtualization, SSDs, “Big Data,” Clouds and Their Real World Impacts)
- 2012: some forecasts (Cloud, Mobile, Bandwidth, Security, Scale-Out, Converged, Big Data, Object Storage)
Some prediction are obvious (automation, cloud, big data, storage, …) other could be more interesting. Sound strange but none are on the networking side.
Happy New Year for a great and wonderful 2012!