One of the (few) new products announce during the VMworld US 2016 was the VMware Integrated OpenStack (VIO) 3.0 release.
OpenStack is an framework for providing developers with cloud-style APIs and tools on top of a choice of virtual infrastructure technologies. OpenStack software controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, managed through a dashboard or via the OpenStack API. OpenStack works with popular enterprise and open source technologies making it ideal for heterogeneous infrastructure.
But most important, it has a strong ecosystem, and users seeking commercial support can choose from different OpenStack-powered products and services in the Marketplace.
VIO is an “Integrated Product” Approach to OpenStack, to make it simple to deploy and manage, but still based on standard OpenStack distribution (delivered as OVA). Also it’s targeted on to be deployed and to manage proven production architecture on VMware SDDC. And it’s fully supported by VMware.
So it try to take the best of both worlds: the features of OpenStack (that is becoming a standard de facto in several cases) and the strength of VMware products like vSphere and NSX.
This is the 4th version of this VMware’s integrated solution with some interesting new features:
Each version is based on a new release of OpenStack, VIO 3.0 it’s based on latest OpenStack release (Mitaka) that has several improvements:
- Improved day-to-day experience for cloud admins and administratorsS
- implified configuration for Nova compute service
- Streamlined Keystone identity service is now a one-step process for setting up the identity management features of a cloud network
- Keystone now supports multi-backend allowing local authentication and AD accounts simultaneously
- Heat’s convergence engine optimized to handle larger loads and more complex actions for horizontal scaling for improved performance for stateless mode
- Enhanced OpenStack Client provides a consistent set of calls for creating resources no longer requiring the need to learn the intricacies of each service API
- Support for software development kits (SDKs) in various languages
- New “give me a network,” feature capable of creating a network, attaching a server to it, assigning an IP to that server, and making the network accessible, in a single action
The deployment it’s simplified: VIO 3.0 can be deployed in a compact mode (ideal for multiple small deployments) with database backed up in real time. Or also in full HA deployment with a new slimmer Full HA Architecture with database replication and able to manage 6000+ VMs and 200+ Hypervisors.
Finally VIO 3.0 it’s now able to import vSphere workload in order to permit to start managing vSphere VMs through standard OpenStack APIs.