The VMware’s certifications of DT (Desktop Virtualization) series are specific for the desktop enterprise virtualization world (especially for View, the VDI product from VMware). Launched on Feb 2011, during the Partner Exchange, they have different levels (same as the datacenter’s certifications):
- VMware Certified Associate (VCA-DT) – Actually only VCA4-DT
- VMware Certified Professional (VCP-DT) – VCP4-DT and VCP5-DT
- VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Desktop Admin (VCAP-DTA) – coming soon!
- VMware Certified Advanced Professional – Desktop Design (VCAP-DTD)
You can notice that the starting level isn’t the VCP, but the new VCA (no plan to introduce it also in datacenter path) and the final one isn’t a VCDX-DT but a more “simple” VCAP-DT.
During the VMworld 2012 US, this path (renamed in End User Computing) has been alligned with the datacenter virtualization path.
Questions and answers
In the official site there are already several questions with answers (FAQ), but I add some:
- Are there any mandatory course for DT certifications? Actually no… The VCA-DT has no requirements and VCP-DT require to be already a VCP-DCV (note that VCA in no more required). The only course requirement is if you plan to go to the VCP-View path.
When VCAP4-DT exam will be released? No info yet… also the beta seems that has not yet started… so stay tuned. At this point seems reasonable that there will directly a VCAP5-DT exam.- When the VCAP5-DTA exam will be released? Actually (August 2013) is in the beta phase.
- Are those certification required for VMware partners (like is VCP cert)? Actually no… is useful for the specific competency… (but at this time is not required).