Finally, after the beta period and a long waiting (first time that beta results were out before the exam goes live), the VCAP5-DCD exam is now available. All information are on the official web page.
It also confirmed the rumors that, for a shot period, all VCAP4-DCD could upgrade to v5 without the need of VCP5… Nice but unuseful… I think that most has alreay upgrade before the 29th of Feb… So an exam discount (IMHO) was a better option.
As usually, for VCAP exam, you need to require a VCAP5-DCD Authorization, that is still a simple process, but may require two days… so just plan before try to book your exam.
The Exam Blueprint is version 1.1 and seems similar to the beta one. The VDCD510 exam contains 100 questions. The items include a mixture of multiple-choice, drag-and-drop items and design items using an in-exam design tool. The total time for this exam is 225 minutes. Candidates who take the VDCD510 exam in a country where English is not a primary language will have an additional 30 minutes added to the exam time. This time extension is automatic, no additional action is required from the candidate.