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E2EVCE2EVC Virtualization Conference is an independent, non-commercial, virtualization community event build from experts to experts.

The 20th edition take place in November from the 1st (starting at 12.00) to Sunday 3rd (at 14:00) in Rome, Italy in the H10 Hotel Roma Città.

I was very curios about it (I’ve tried to attend at the Vienna’s event, but I’ve not found the right time frame) and will be an opportunity to face also with expert in other area.

At this event there were 18 Microsoft MVP’s, 15 Citrix CTP’s and 5 VMware vExperts, for 19 different countries. Here some of the Twitter handler: @pcrampton, @joe_elway, @shawnbass, @ThomasMaurer, @Andrea_Mauro, @drtritsch, @WorkingHardInIT, @HelgeKlein, @JimMoyle, @neilspellings, @andyjmorgan, @KBaggerman, @CarlWebster, @bsonposh, @gilwood_cs, @E2EVC, @KristianNese, @_POPPELGAARD, @barryschiffer, @RemkoWeijnen, @IngmarVerheij, @WilcovanBragt, @david_obrien, @Microspecialist, @virtualfat, @LFoverskov, @virtuEs_IT, @stibakke, @granttiller, @Easi123, @ChrisJMarks, @arbeijer, @znackattack, @ShaunRitchie_UK, @Rob_Aarts, @StefanKoell, @EHouben, @crachfahl, @JeroenTielen, @plompr, @Gkunst, @drmiru, @espenbe, @marcdrinkwater, @DocsMortar, @AlBayliss, @wedelit, @pzykomAtle, @LoDani, @fborozan, @JeffWouters, @mrpickford, @smspasscode, @schose, @rvanderkruk, @TimmBrochhaus, @HansMinnee, @JZanten, @Sargola, @JaspervanWesten, @airdeca_nl, @danielBuonocore@PeppelT, @TondeVreede, @pcortis, @ConorScolard, @CarstenDreyer, @arnaud_pain, @RoyTextor, @saschazimmer, @abstrask, @loopern, @PulseITch, @joarleithe, clarecoops9, @rfolmer, @wimoortgiesen  and more!

I was really surprised by the kind of event and the quality of the speeches (and the speakers). Good also the idea to close with a session on how become CTP and maybe next time could be the turn on how become a vExpert :-)

In the pro of this event I have to add the criteria on choosing the hotel (with reasonable price), the shuttle service (I’ve not used but it’s a really good idea), the week-end period of the event (that sounds better that doing during the working weekdays). In the cons list (if we have to found something) maybe the price (cheap, with good discount, free for who has lost its jobs, but maybe could be cheaper), the food (fine for a free event, but could be a little improved for an fee based event) and the lack of the OpenSource/OpenStack community (the VMware one was limited but present).

For some information about the event see the relative post.

Here are some stats from the event:
48000 is the total amount of followers we all have on twitter
10068 km was the longest distance a person flew to E2EVC Rome. Perrine – you simply rock!
129 People were registered for Rome
People were present
77 hours of nonstop sessions, drinking, sleeping, eating
42 was the total number of sessions!
35% that’s how many Dutch were there!
21 Microsoft MVP’s were present
20 was the Rome event number
19 is the number of countries we had visitors from
16 Citrix CTP
10 years is how old this event is
2 Italians were present – now we want to see better numbers when we will be back in Winter 2015!

Other event recap:

Next event will take place in Brussels, Belgium May 30 – June 1, 2014. Exact venue place will be announced on Friday November 8, 2013.


Virtualization, Cloud and Storage Architect. Tech Field delegate. VMUG IT Co-Founder and board member. VMware VMTN Moderator and vExpert 2010-24. Dell TechCenter Rockstar 2014-15. Microsoft MVP 2014-16. Veeam Vanguard 2015-23. Nutanix NTC 2014-20. Several certifications including: VCDX-DCV, VCP-DCV/DT/Cloud, VCAP-DCA/DCD/CIA/CID/DTA/DTD, MCSA, MCSE, MCITP, CCA, NPP.