Also some months after the release the new vSphere 6.0, one of the main reason to don’t use in a production environment remain the compatibility aspect. If most of the VMware products it’s fine from this point, it isn’t the same for the 3rd part backup products.
One month ago I’ve wrote a post Backup products and vSphere 6.0 compatibility were only few products were available. Now there are some changes in this list.
This list include only backup products that are using the VMware VADP API. Other solutions are not considered (just because they not depend by vSphere version, but just by guest OS version). Also I don’t consider products that are out-of support or at end-of-life.
Please note that there is a serius issue in CBT in ESXi 6.0 that can impact your upgrade decision, also if your backup program will already support vSphere 6.0: for more information see KB 2114076 (Backing up a virtual machine with Change Block Tracking (CBT) enabled fails after upgrading to or installing VMware ESXi 6.0).
Note that Manfred Hofer has realized a better version of this resource with not only a nice aspect, but more information (including compatibility with Microsoft Hyper-V). Have a look at his post: Backup Interoperability Matrix.
For all the other I’ve put a question mark just because there aren’t (or I’ve not found) information on when (or if) the product will support vSphere 6.0… But I suppose that in the next months we will see some big changes in this table.
Do you have updated information or data that I’ve missed? Just post a comment and I will update the page.