Browsing Posts tagged Labs

Reading Time: 3 minutes For people that need to make practice for the VCAP-DCA exam (and the beta of VCAP5-DCA will start soon) a good lab environment is mandatory. But it could also be useful for other reasons, like demo environment. There are several options to build one, but most used solutions are using nested hosts on one physical system with: VMware Workstation/Fusion over a host OS: common for a notebook. ESXi 5 on a server or a whitebox: common if you plan to have a always-on or fixed solution. Actually both solution could be good, but Workstation could […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes There are some cases, like for test and/or labs (but not only), where could be useful convert a local storage to a shared storage compatible with VMware vSphere (or other hypervisors). For local storage inside the host, the simplest solution is look for a virtual appliance that is designed for this scope (search for VSA – Virtual Storage Appliance). For a storage hosted on a Linux/Unix machine, probably the simplest solution is share the space with the NFS Server (of course it will be limited only to VMware vSphere). And when the storage is on […]

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