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Note: VMware has removed the vRAM Entitlements concept and restriction. So this post is no more relevent!

Introduced during the official announce of vSphere 5, this news in the vSphere licensing (expecially for the hosts) has been changed (the first rumor of this was mentioned here by Gabrie van Zanten). Not in the priciple (the vRAM is still the allocated vRAM of powered on VM, not the consumed vRAM) but in his value and how are counted (for example there is a max vRAM value of 96 GB for each VM):

vSphere edition Previous vRAM entitlement New vRAM entitlement
vSphere Desktop Unlimited Unlimited
vSphere Enterprise+ 48 GB 96 GB
vSphere Enterprise 32 GB 64 GB
vSphere Standard 24 GB 32 GB
vSphere Essentials+ 24 GB 32 GB
vSphere Essentials 24 GB 32 GB
Free vSphere Hypervisor 8 GB 32 GB[*]

[*] physical RAM limit

See also:
