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As written in a previous post, I was not able to participate at the beta exam for VCP5-DT (due to no available seats in my Country). So I waited for the official exam also also when I’ve got at least a free day to study for the exam. Yesterday finally I’ve taken the exam and I’ve passed it, so my VCP-DT certifications is updated to v5.

As written in the certification official page, the only requirement is have the VCP5 certification, no classes or other certification are mandatory. One year ago was also required the VCA-DT certification but the certification path change for VCP4-DT has been changed. Actually there is no info about a v5 of the VCA-DT (as also still no info about the VCAP-DT!).

Unfortunately there isn’t a preferred or different path for who is already a VCP4-DT: the path is the same of new people and also the exam cost the same… Honestly I’ve expected at least a time limited discount for the exam (but probably the only bonus was to be invited at the beta of the exam).

Compared to the VCP4-DT exam (also in this exam I was not able to attend at the beta version) the price is now finally the same of a VCP exam and also the testing centers are the same (the usage of only “selected” center was a big and non simple to understand limit of the previous version and also for the beta).

As well described in VCP5-DT Exam Blueprint the exam consists of 85 questions and a short pre-exam survey consisting of 7 questions, the limit for the exam is 90 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes to complete the survey questions and agreements. Candidates who take the VCP510-DT exam in a country where English is not a primary language will have an additional 30 minutes added to the exam time.

You may think that are a lot of questions (note that in some cases there are also medium/long questions) in few time. You are right! You need to managed your time well and use in the best way the review function to do not spend too much time on a single question. I’ve finish in 90 minutes, but including a review of most of the questions.

The questions are all closed questions, but several are multi-choices (with two or three answers!). Also note that sometime there isnt’t the best answer, you may choose which fit better. You can also work in the reverse mode… you can simple exclude some answers and then focus on the remaining. Also in some cases the answer of one question could be in the text of another one. Or some questions may be quite similar (and just ask the same thing). So be sure to read carefully all the questions and the answers.

Compared to other exams, in this case the VCP5-DT Mock Exam is really similar both in questions and in the difficult level at the final exam. So take it because can really help. And not that if you take several time you will find each time some different questions (in a single mock there are 30 questions, but I’ve count more than 45).

To a good exam preparation you can use the VCP5-DT Exam Blueprint (note that the file is named with version 1.1, but the document seems to be a version 1.0 and also note that the Objective 4 – Troubleshoot is not “exploded”, but this does not mean that is not required!)… What is not included in the blueprint is not included in the exam? Yes, but also no… in my exam there was nothing about the Integration Guide (in fact is not covered in the blueprint), but there was at least a question that required a different knowledge of ThinApp (present in the ThinApp User Guide that is mentioned in the blueprint).

The required documentations is specified in the blueprint, but I suggest to use more material, included some white-papers (see my page about the VCP5-DT certification).

Exactly as the v4 exam, the questions do no have an equal distribution of different arguments and/or objectives (in my exam also one objective was covered by only one single question). I can only say that the troubleshooting part has his relevance (and is a “missing” part in the blueprint). Maybe this not equal distribution depend on how the questions are selected. But I would like to have (in all VMware exams) a better distribution as also a more detailed report (as the one in Microsoft exams) with the results on different areas.

The questions are not scenario based (at least not in my exam) and too much of them are only mnemonic (also on parameters, options of GPO names) with IMHO too much “mind tricks” like similar sentences or similar parameters… Again… Just be sure to read  carefully each question and answer and use the review in the right way.

Compared to the v4 exam, this one seems a little more difficult and probably it’s a mix of the previous VCA-DT and VCP-DT…

The exam remain still very selective (you need a good memory for some questions and to have also a good experience for the troubleshooting and other parts) and also elective (seems that actually there are only around 100 VCP-DT, included v4 and v5 and I was really surprised to the the VCP4-DT #20, considering that I’ve not participate at the beta phase).

Considering on how this exam is structured, I’m really curios to see how will be the VCAP-DT… IMHO it will more like the VCAP-DCD, due to the fact that there are a minimal part design-related in the VCP-DT and also that I see quite hard and difficult build and manage a lab like the VCAP-DCA for a View environment.


Virtualization, Cloud and Storage Architect. Tech Field delegate. VMUG IT Co-Founder and board member. VMware VMTN Moderator and vExpert 2010-24. Dell TechCenter Rockstar 2014-15. Microsoft MVP 2014-16. Veeam Vanguard 2015-23. Nutanix NTC 2014-20. Several certifications including: VCDX-DCV, VCP-DCV/DT/Cloud, VCAP-DCA/DCD/CIA/CID/DTA/DTD, MCSA, MCSE, MCITP, CCA, NPP.