Browsing Posts published in September, 2012

Reading Time: < 1 minute The ProfessionalVMware #vBrownBag is a series of online webinars covering various Virtualization & VMware Certification topics. This year there are also some live sessions directly from VMworld. If you will be at VMworld Barcelona and you have something technical you want to share or just want to come and do a quick chat with other folks in the VMware community you can sing on the Call For Speakers page. My scheduled speechs will will be: Tuesday 11:15 – 11:30 with the title “Challenges for Virtualizing Small Business” Thursday 15:00 – 15:30 with the title “New VMware […]

Reading Time: 1 minute I’ve already write about the Powering the cloud event, helded at Frankfurt Am Main on Oct, 30-31 2012. The big news of this year is that I’m a speaker with a session. As you can see in the event agenda, my session “2B5: How to increase the availability of business critical applications using virtualization” will be on Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 14:00! Details: In this session we will discuss how is possible increase the availability of business critical applications running in a virtual environment. First we will introduce the different level of availability and […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute Some hours ago I have received an e-mail from VMware Technical Certification Team to my VCDX5-DV certification (DV is the datacenter virtualization path) in my official transcript:: Your online transcripts will reflect your VMware Certified Design Expert 5 – Datacenter Virtualization status as soon as you: –  Confirm your shipping address –  Consent to transcript release –  Accept the VMware Certification Agreement Note that finally the VCDX5-DV path has been published (and also the upgrade path has been confirmed). Seems that VMworld Barcelona will be the last opportunity to defend a VCDX version 4, from […]

Reading Time: 4 minutes Just two weeks until VMworld EU at Barcelona! Here some informations. Location Note that it isn’t the (old) “Fira de Barcelona” (close to Montjuic and Plaza de España), but is the new Fira center, called “Fira Gran Via” and quite far from the “old” one (this is probably the right point on GoogleMaps). It is still called “Fira Barcelona” just because is another venue (see the official site). VMworld EU will be at North Entrance Hall 8! Use GoogleMaps to find how to move from your hotel (both bus and train are available options). From […]

Reading Time: 4 minutes During the last VMworld US, I’ve spend some to to visit several booths to know more about some vendor that are not present in my Country (or in the entire region). One of them was Nimbus Data Systems, company founded on 2006 (at South San Francisco, and now with offices also in Netherlands and UK). It develops the award-winning Sustainable Storage® systems, an intelligent, efficient and fault-tolerant solid state storage platform engineered for server and desktop virtualization, databases, HPC, and next-generation cloud infrastructure. Their points for storage systems are: performance, efficency and simplicity! If the […]

Reading Time: 5 minutes Founded in Atlanta in 2009, Liquidware Labs is one of leader in desktop transformation solutions for next-generation physical and virtual desktops, including VMware View, Citrix XenDesktop, and Microsoft Windows 7. Now it has offices also in Chicago, Vich (CH), Surrey (UK). The Liquidware Labs executive team is comprised of veteran technologists and experts with hands-on knowledge of virtualized environments and solutions (most of them are from VizionCore, Quest, PHDVirtual, …). Because of their decades of combined software solutions experience and depth-of-expertise in virtualization and thin technologies, our management is constantly asked to provide their perspective […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes Backup Academy, the free educational community resource for VM backup professionals, has now one year of history. In this year has delivered several courses and whitepapers (one also from me). And several people (more than 700 professionist) have obtained a certification vendor independent on backup aspects. So what will be the future of this community? Seems that the anniversary will like a matter of refreshing news about Backup Academy! Some interesting information about its possible future are on the celebration post: Backup Academy is meant to give you the extra resources you need to get […]

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