Browsing Posts published in October, 2012

Reading Time: 2 minutes As already written, during this edition of Powering the Cloud, I have a speech: 2B5: How to increase the availability of business critical applications using virtualization Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 14:00 In this session we will discuss how is possible increase the availability of business critical applications running in a virtual environment. First we will introduce the different level of availability and different type of technical solutions. Then we will discuss the difference between VMware HA (with VM and application monitoring), VMware FT and guest clustering. We will give more technical detail on how […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute The show begins and for me is the first time and will be a big opportunity to meet several vendors (some of them new for me). Here is a list of my appointments at this event: VMware, with Rob Jenkins (Director Advisory Services, EMEA) Violin Memory, with Garry Veale (Managing Director, EMEA) Datacore, with Alexander Best (Director Technical Business Development) Quantum, with Stéphane Estevez (Sr. Product Marketing Manager EMEA/APAC) Spectra Logic, with Molly Rector (EVP Product Management and Marketing Worldwide) Virtual Instruments, with Skip Bacon (CTO and Chris James, EMEA Marketing Director) Dot Hill, with […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute After years of development, Microsoft launched the latest version of Windows (with the NT version 6.2), with a official announce of its CEO Steve Ballmer during product’s launch event in New York on October 25, 2012. It is most probably the most radical version of the Windows OS (at least in the aspect, in the design was NT 6.0) and the client OS is mainly designed for new mobile devices like tablets, but can also be used on desktop PC (but need more training on it). Windows 8 is the new client OS and the […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute VMware has recently released several patches for its vCloud Suite: VMware vCenter Server 5.1.0a and modules (Release Notes) VMware vSphere Data Protection 5.1.1 (Release Notes) vSphere Storage Appliance 5.1.1 (Release Notes) VMware vCloud Networking and Security 5.1.1 vCloud Director 5.1.1 Note also that View 5.1.x is now finally supported on vSphere 5.1; you have to install the patch for vSphere 5.1 as described in the KB 2035268. For more information about the patch, see VMware ESXi 5.1, Patch Release ESXi510-201210001 (2034548).

Reading Time: < 1 minute Veeam has recently released the new version of his backup product, announced during the VMworld EU and with several new features. Also it include new compatibility matrix: New hypervisor support: VMware vSphere 5.1 and Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V To download the product, or the trial go to the download page. There is also a video with Doug Hazelman that explain the main new features:

Reading Time: < 1 minute Network tuning and offload Performance Tuning Guidelines for Windows Server 2012 (DOC) Network Subsystem Performance Tuning Networking Adapter Performance Guidelines (on Windows Server 2008 R2, but still good) Specific technologies Registered I/O Networking Extensions (RIO): Microsoft site, alternative site Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) IPsec Task Offload Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV): Overview of Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV), What is SR-IOV? (Scott Lowe’s Blog), PCI SIG Specifications Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V & Data Centre Bridging (DCB)

Reading Time: 2 minutes With the new Windows Server 2012 there are several improvements in the storage part, expecially when we apply to a Hyper-V enviroment. The main news on the storage part, is that now is possible build a Windows Fail-Over Cluster with a shared SMB3 share and use it for store VMs (in a similar way as NFS could be use to NAS connectivity on a VMware vSphere cluster). Also a specific function (Virtual Fibre Channel) as been added to map a FC SAN LUN directly to a VM (similar to the same function in VMware vSphere). […]

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