The 6th annual European VMworld event has finished and it’s time for the conclusions on how was the event. Some considerations are already included in my precedent post.
So just let go deeper on each single day and detail.
Partner Day
This probably is the one that I don’t understand too much. I understand that the lack of an European Partner Exchange could be the reason of this, but was reasonable when VMworld EU was close the PEX. Now it’s really (too much) close the VMworld US and maybe this day could be better to make a full event day.
Also most of the sessions are sales oriented and there could be other places and ways to handle this. For example why not build paraller tracks in the entire event to simplify also the choice and avoid that too much sessions at the same of interest are in the same hours?
General sessions
Both were good and better than the US edition: I’ve prefereed the second one for the content and some funny sketches with Carl Eschenbach (that has try to fill the miss of Steve Herrod), but also the first one was interesting for the history of VMware by Maurizio Carli and the great overview of VMware NSX by Martin Casado. Still funny that in the general conference the wi-fi was not available.
Note that between area 8.1 and 7.1 there was also a big pane with the entire history of VMware called VMware Time Machine:
No words rather than awesome. Considering the limited time, I’ve attend only at the #vRockstar Party (awesome shirt and good place) on Sunday, the VMUG Party (nice place and located better rather the last year) and PernixData Flashy VIP Party (awesome place on the beach of Barceloneta) on Monday, the VCDX / vExpert / Office of the CTO Reception Party (awesome place) and the Veeam VIP Media event on Tuesday and the final party plus an Italian #vBeer and a short time at the #BeerTweetup on Wednesday.
I’ve spend some time in the community and the solution exchange area, and I’ve also has some meeting with several companies:
More details in next posts.
Final thanks
The most obvious are to all the people that have make this event still a great event: the organization, the speakers, the sponsors and of course the community itself that make this kind of event valuable and different for each non in place event.
And of course to CloudCred that has give me the opportunity to win the Grand Prize and attend at this conference for free.