Also this year the results of the annual contest Voting for the top VMware & virtualization blogs are out on vSphere-land web site, after the usual live show where the top 25 were announced.
This content has become a big reference for all virtualization blogger (it’s not necessary a classification on who is best compared to another), but the top 5-10 are honestly the real top blogger. And it has become a ritual event in this period of each year (there is also a nice History of the Top vBlog).
Also this year I’ve received some votes and vInfrastructure site is number 19 (last year was 23, two years ago 31, three years ago 21, four years ago was 29, five years ago 40 and six years ago was 54) in the entire rank. Unexpect grow from the previous year and a nice rise.
I’m again in the top 25, considering that in the last two years I really reduce the numbers of posts due too much work (and to keep enough spare time for my family).
Congratulations for all the top 25 of the top list (and also the top in each specific list) and thanks to everybody has give me a vote. I appreciate it and hope to make better for the future.
This is the final list from #1 to #19 with some interesting stats (for the whole list see this link):
Past year, my blog has been voted as the favorite non-english blog, but this time the title goes to another blogger (Jorge de la Cruz) that really deserve this position. Anyway my blogger was voted #2:
Favorite Non-English Blog | Votes |
Jorge de la Cruz | 115 |
vInfrastructure Blog (Andrew Mauro) | 108 |
For the results of the previous years see also: