Browsing Posts in vDesign

Reading Time: 2 minutes A usual way to backup the VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) is to manage as a common VM and use a backup solution to backup (and restore) the entire VM. But it’s approach does not always work and cannot guarantee a restore in some cases, for example in the case of a database corruption.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Altaro Office 365 Backup enables you to back up and recover all your company’s Office 365 mailboxes and files stored within OneDrive and SharePoint, backing them up to Altaro’s Microsoft Azure infrastructure.

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is an article that I wrote as a contribuitor for the Aruba blog. Read the full article. A network switch works at Layer 2 (in the ISO/OSI model) and potentially does not need any configuration because it can learn about the network topology and how to forward properly the Ethernet frames using its internal MAC address or port table.

Reading Time: 18 minutes Intel® Optane™ Technology for Data Centers are a revolutionary solutions to bridge critical gaps in the storage and memory hierarchy delivering persistent memory, large memory pools, fast caching and fast storage. Basically there are two main Intel® Optane™ DC products: Intel® Optane™ DC persistent memory  Intel® Optane™ DC SSDs

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is an article that I wrote as a contribuitor for the Aruba blog. Read the full article. What is the edge when it comes to networking terminology? Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple and clear answer.

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is an article that I wrote as a contribuitor for the Aruba blog. Read the full article. Network topology is the arrangement of the different network elements of a communication network, usually represented with a graph.

Reading Time: < 1 minute This is an article that I wrote as a contribuitor for the Aruba blog. Read the full article. Network topology is the arrangement of the different network elements of a communication network, usually represented with a graph. Network topology is an application of graph theory in which different network devices are modeled as nodes and the connections between the devices are modeled as links or lines between the nodes.

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