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Reading Time: 2 minutesSome people are looking to the Nutanix Cloud Platform (NCP) but they don’t understand all the different terms and how are related to other platform. Considering that VMware is still the leader for the on-prem virtual vinfrastructure, I try to build a table that match VMware terms in Nutanix terms.

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn a public cloud there can be different service models, but in all of them there is a common concept called: shared responsibility model. What does it means? In an on-premises datacenter, you own the responsability of the whole stack, but as you move to the public cloud some responsibilities are transfer to the cloud provider.

Reading Time: 4 minutesMAID (Massive Array of Idle Disks) is a new storage technology for long-term, online storage of persistent data that takes advantage of a newer generation of SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) disk drives that are designed to be powered on and off and improve energy efficiency. This allows denser packaging of drives in large-scale disk storage systems since only 25% of disks are spinning at any one time. MAID provides for the power management of disks drives, thus creating a new service level for retaining and accessing “archive/persistent” data.

LTO Tapes

Reading Time: 4 minutesMore than 10 years ago, I wrote a blog post with the question is backup to tape dead? The answer was no, but what about tapes usage now, on 2024? Data has grow and the demand of solution to manage cold data also. For this reason there is a high investment in cold data storage solution and tape is still relevant also today!

Reading Time: 5 minutesVMware vSphere has a guest customization feature to change some guest OS setting for VMs that are cloned of deployed from template. For example to change the computer name, network settings, or timezone settings. Customizing guest operating systems helps prevent conflicts that occur if virtual machines with identical settings are deployed, for example conflicts due to duplicate computer names. For Linux based VM there are two diffent type of guest OS customization engines: But which one is used and which could be preferred?

Reading Time: 2 minutesSoftware for Open Networking in the Cloud (SONiC) is the open networking solution used in Microsoft’s Azure Cloud. SONiC is the networking switch software used in the lower layer of Azure Datacenter fabric (TOR and Aggregation).

Reading Time: 3 minutesA Data Processing Unit (DPU) is a programmable computer processor that is usally tightly integrates a general-purpose CPU with network interface card (NIC) hardware. Sometimes they are called “IPUs” (for “Infrastructure Processing Unit”) or “SmartNICs” (because actually they are implemented in some special Network Interface Cards).

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