Browsing Posts tagged Linux

Reading Time: 3 minutes Increase a virtual machine disk size it’s so easy, on almost all hypervisor: just click and increase the space on the virtual disk. But it’s just one part of the game, the second part it does the same inside the virtual machine, and maybe it’s not so easy or fast increase the partition and the filesystem inside the related guest OS. For Windows OSes, starting with 2008 (Windows Server 2008 and Vista) it’s quite easy and totally manageable from the GUI (with the Disk Manager MMC). For Linux, it could be easy with LVM, but […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute Veeam Agent is the new brand name of the Veeam Endpoint (as announced in August event). After some betas (last was in September) the Veeam Agent for Linux 1.0 is in finally in GA! Veeam Agent for Linux is a simple backup and powerful recovery tool designed to ensure the Availability of your customers’ Linux servers anywhere — in the cloud, on physical or virtual servers, or endpoints.

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dirty COW (CVE-2016-5195) is a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux Kernel. The bug has existed since around 2.6.22 (released in 2007) and was fixed on Oct 18, 2016. “A race condition was found in the way the Linux kernel’s memory subsystem handled the copy-on-write (COW) breakage of private read-only memory mappings. An unprivileged local user could use this flaw to gain write access to otherwise read-only memory mappings and thus increase their privileges on the system.” (RH)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Although Linux is used in several storage solutions, the native filesystems lack of modern features like deduplication or compression (compression extented attribute is present from some decade, but it’s implementions is still limited or missing). Most storage solutions use other filesystem (like ZFS), or also other operating systems: FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenSolaris branches, or also Windows Server (like DataCore). Now Permabit Technology Corporation announced the availability of its Albireo Virtual Data Optimizer (VDO) for Canonical’s Ubuntu Server.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Using Linux as a guest OS in a VMware vSphere environment it’s, of course, well supported and more distributions are officially supported in vSphere 5 making more easy deploy Linux VM or Linux based virtual appliances. For the remote management a good option it’s usually use the SSH protocol, for the initial installation (or other special cases) you will need to use vSphere Console. Using the client from a Linux box could be difficult but with the new vSphere Web Client not so much, for more information see the KB 1006095 (Availability of vSphere Client […]

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