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The Official evening events catalog cover only few event. This is a more complete list.

  • Tuesday, February 26
    4:30–6:30PM Solutions Exchange Hall Crawl
    5:30-7:30PM VCDX / vExpert Reception (need invitation)
    7:00-10:00PM VMware Partner Network Award Gala (need invitation)

Hands on Labs

Usually are similar as the VMworld version, but for more info see this post: What to expect.

Other information


Virtualization, Cloud and Storage Architect. Tech Field delegate. VMUG IT Co-Founder and board member. VMware VMTN Moderator and vExpert 2010-24. Dell TechCenter Rockstar 2014-15. Microsoft MVP 2014-16. Veeam Vanguard 2015-23. Nutanix NTC 2014-20. Several certifications including: VCDX-DCV, VCP-DCV/DT/Cloud, VCAP-DCA/DCD/CIA/CID/DTA/DTD, MCSA, MCSE, MCITP, CCA, NPP.