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Finally, after the first info and rumors about the VCDX-Cloud certification, the official page seems to be complete with all the information and all the certification path.

We probably will see first VCDX-Cloud certified people starting from the second half of July 2013.

About the path from VCP-Cloud to VCDX-Cloud we have already discuss about it and mainly it’s the same of traditional VCDX path.

More interesting is the cross-path for current VCDX5-DCV to earn VCDX-Cloud where is only required:

  • Earn both VCAP-CIA and VCAP-CID certifications
  • Submit a successful VCDX-Cloud application

Note: Current VCDX-DCVs do NOT have to defend their design to be certified as VCDX-Cloud. This could be really interesting because some VCDX have already done both VCAP (in the beta period), so they have only to apply for an application!

VCDX-Cloud Defense Dates

Also the first defense (and application) dates has been published:

  • August 26-29, 2013 – VMworld San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA Register Now
    Applications are due Midnight PDT (UTC -8;00) July 12, 2013
  • October 15-17, 2013 – VMworld Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Register Now
    Applications are due Midnight PDT (UTC -8;00) August 16, 2013