The IT Press tour is a five-day event taking place this week in San Francisco that seeks to introduce the EMEA media to tech firms doing some interesting things in Silicon Valley. I will take part at the next edition (the 14th) that will take place exclusively in the Silicon Valley (during December 1-5, 2014).
Since the 1st tour edition, the EMEA press group has met 105 companies for 155 sessions, some companies did multiple editions and adopted the IT Press Tour as a key marketing communication medium.
In the next edition there will be three main key topics: Cloud, Storage and Big Data. And for each category there will be four companies:
- Big Data: Cloudera, Elasticsearch, Platfora and Qubole
- Storage: Diablo Technologies, Exablox, Nimble Storage, Primary Data
- Cloud: Cloudian, ObjectiveFS, Platform9, Spanning
Will be really interesting meet all those companies and will be a proficient week. To follow the tour on Twitter you can use the #ITPT hashtag:
Disclaimer: I’ve been invited to this event by Condor Consulting Group and they will paid for accommodation and travels, but I’m not compensated for my time and I’m not obliged to blog. Furthermore, the content is not reviewed, approved or published by any other person than me.